St. Louis Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Lawyer

In the aftermath of an accident, unforeseen injuries and expenses can impact your life long after the initial shock has worn off. This includes injuries such as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or CRPS. If you were injured and recently learned that you are now suffering from CRPS, you deserve compensation. The team of experienced Complex Regional Pain Syndrome attorneys at Goldblatt + Singer here to help fight for you.

Unfortunately, in rare cases, victims of trauma and injury may experience Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). CRPS is a disruption in the healing process that causes chronic pain in the limb injured in the accident. It’s believed to be linked to damage or malfunction of the peripheral and central nervous systems.

Symptoms of CRPS

If you are experiencing extreme pain, stiffness, inflammation, decreased muscle agility or abnormal movement, call your doctor and ask about CRPS. CRPS cases are diagnosed based on medical history and symptoms that match the definition.

What Are My Options in St. Louis?

Currently, there is no cure for CRPS, but there are treatment options, including rehabilitation therapy, psychotherapy, anti-inflammatory medicine and pain relieving medication. Ongoing medical costs to treat CRPS add up quickly which is why it’s so important to contact a reliable injury lawyer to take your case.

Call Goldblatt + Singer

If your accident occurred on the job, contact us immediately. You may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits, such as medical expenses, lost wages and long-term disability. Our team of complex regional pain syndrome lawyers understands the lasting effects of CRPS. It’s not always easy to diagnose. There’s no simple cure. We want to help.

Since 1949, we’ve recovered more than $400 million for our clients because we fight to get you back to a better place. Let’s talk today.

Main Office 8182 Maryland Ave UNIT 801, St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 231-4100


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