St. Louis Amputation Lawyer

If you have recently lost a limb to amputation as a result of an accident, you need an experienced St. Louis amputations attorney. Goldblatt + Singer can help. It’s our mission to secure maximum compensation for people with permanent disabilities after suffering amputations in traumatic accidents. We pride ourselves on our top-notch client services, exceptional case results and hard-hitting litigation strategies. When it comes to legal representation for significant and catastrophic amputation injuries, count on the team of amputations attorneys at Goldblatt + Singer. Call (314) 231-4100 for your free consultation today.

Main Office 8182 Maryland Ave UNIT 801, St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 231-4100

Does Your Amputation Injury Deserve Compensation?

Amputations are extremely serious injuries that often result in staggering medical bills, permanent disability and a direct impact on the quality of life for victims. A civil claim against the party responsible for the injury could result in significant compensation for the victim and his/her family. Legal consultations at Goldblatt + Singer are completely complimentary and come at no obligation to retain our firm.

You have nothing to lose in talking to an amputation attorney in St. Louis about the prospect of bringing a claim against one or more parties in pursuit of damages for an amputation. If you suffered your injury in any of the following situations, talk to us ASAP:

Our St. Louis amputation injury attorneys will investigate your accident for signs of neglect or wrongdoing. If we believe that another person or entity is legally responsible for causing your injury, we might recommend a personal injury lawsuit. A lawsuit could bring justice upon the at-fault party for his or her preventable actions, as well as grant your family financial compensation for your damages. You might receive payment for your amputation-related past and future pain and suffering, mental anguish, lost quality of life, lost income and lifetime medical costs with our assistance.

Why You Need An Amputation Attorney in St. Louis

One of the most heartbreaking realities that most amputation victims must come to terms with is that someone or something could have prevented their permanent injuries. Just one action done differently might have prevented the chain of events that eventually resulted in the irrevocable loss of a limb. Employers, product manufacturers, doctors, drivers and other parties all bear certain duties of responsibility to others. These duties include reasonably preventing serious injuries on the road, at work, on farms and elsewhere.

When someone makes a mistake or error in judgment that leads to someone else’s amputation injuries, the courts refer to it as negligence, which is the basis for most personal injury lawsuits. If you have reason to believe that someone else’s negligence led to your amputation injuries, don’t hesitate to talk to an amputation injury lawyer. A free consultation with an attorney could teach you that someone was, in fact, responsible for causing your injuries, such as the manufacturer of a product that exploded and damaged your limbs enough to require amputation or a nurse who negligently failed to prevent a serious infection.

If you suspect that someone else is responsible for your traumatic injury, take action. Retain our amputation attorneys to represent you during settlement discussions with insurance companies, as well as to gather evidence surrounding your injuries to build a stronger case. We can take all the necessary steps toward securing compensation on your family’s behalf. Our amputation lawyers will fight for you during negotiations and interactions with insurance adjusters, judges, juries and others in pursuit of fair compensation. To learn your rights and legal options after an amputation injury, contact the St. Louis amputation injury attorneys at Goldblatt + Singer. Contact us today!



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