St. Louis FELA Lawyer

St. Louis FELA Lawyer image

Starting in 1908, federal railroad workers, including engineers and brakemen, received coverage under FELA – Federal Employers’ Liability Act. This act was designed to protect the rights and safety of the nation’s railroad workers from dangerous working conditions.

If you were injured on the job, a FELA attorney at Goldblatt + Singer can help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

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    What You Can Get From A FELA Claim

    Because of the dangerous nature of railroad work, FELA claims often include:

    • Loss of earnings
    • Physical pain and suffering
    • Disfigurement or scarring
    • Permanent or partial disability

    Unlike workers’ compensation, FELA is a fault-based system, and railroad injury cases can be complex. A FELA lawyer can investigate your claim and help build a case for negligence on behalf of the railroad or their agents.

    Under FELA, injured workers are entitled to a trial, and as a result, FELA awards are generally much higher than those of workers’ compensation claims. It is essential to hire a lawyer with FELA experience.

    Contact Goldblatt + Singer Today

    If you or a loved one has suffered a railroad-related injury in Missouri or Illinois, enlisting the services of a FELA lawyer will ensure that your case receives the attention and skill needed. Goldblatt + Singer has recovered over $400 million for families in Missouri, Illinois and throughout the Midwest.

    Don’t suffer without a FELA attorney any longer. Contact Goldblatt + Singer or call us for a free consultation to discuss your legal options.

    Main Office 8182 Maryland Ave UNIT 801, St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 231-4100


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