St. Louis Railroad Accident Lawyer

St. Louis Railroad Accident Lawyer image

After a railroad accident in St. Louis, don’t compromise your future by agreeing to a fast insurance settlement agreement. Instead, call Goldblatt + Singer for a free case evaluation. We’ll investigate your case, estimate its value, and help you learn about your rights. Initial insurance offers are almost always lower than you could receive with an attorney’s assistance. Our railroad accident attorneys will help you negotiate with insurance companies or pursue compensation through a civil claim in Missouri. Railroad accidents are serious. Get serious legal attention at our St. Louis law firm.

Main Office 8182 Maryland Ave UNIT 801, St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 231-4100
Table Of Contents

    Railroad Accident Facts in St. Louis

    The Terminal Railroad Association (TRRA) of St. Louis operates several lines throughout the city, including the Merchants, Illinois Transfer, MacArthur Bridge, North Belt and West Belt Subdivisions. Trains such as the St. Louis-Chicago Amtrak transport passengers throughout St. Louis, achieving speeds surpassing 100 miles per hour. City systems are in charge of safely operating St. Louis trains during the transportation of goods and people. Failure to take proper care, resulting in injuries or death, is negligence. Common causes of railroad accidents can include:

    • Slip, trip and falls
    • Broken elevator/escalator
    • Poor train car maintenance
    • Railroad track flaws or defects
    • Negligent train operation
    • Unsafe train or station premises
    • Defective or dangerous train parts
    • Negligent third parties, such as drivers
    • Criminal assaults

    If you suffer an injury while at a St. Louis train station, on a train, or while crossing railroad tracks, consider your right to file a civil claim with help from our railroad injury attorneys. You could have a claim against another driver, product manufacturer, train operator, or the train company. A civil claim could grant you monetary damages for your accident-related medical bills, lost wages, property damage, physical pain, and emotional suffering.

    Railroads are common carriers or vehicles that transport passengers for money. As such, they must abide by specific federal common carrier laws and safety standards. A breach of these standards resulting in an accident is negligence and could give victims the right to file a lawsuit. A railroad accident doesn’t have to mean living with thousands of dollars of out-of-pocket costs and losses. With help from Goldblatt + Singer, you could make up the damages you suffer with a civil claim.

    Injured as a Railroad Worker in St. Louis?

    St. Louis Railroad Accident Lawyer image 2Talk to a railroad accident attorney before you say yes to a workers’ compensation agreement or FELA claim.

    Accepting workers’ compensation means surrendering your right to file a claim against a negligent employer in Missouri. As an injured railroad worker, a Missouri workers’ compensation claim might not be your only recovery option. If someone else’s negligence contributed to your accident, you might also have the right to pursue compensation through a railroad injury lawsuit. You can pursue compensation through both if someone other than your employer caused your railroad accident.

    For example, say a co-worker causes a railroad accident by failing to adhere to the company’s safety standards. As a victim, you may have the ability to recover for your medical bills and partial lost wages through a workers’ compensation claim, but you might also have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit against your coworker for negligence. A personal injury claim could result in recovery for your medical bills, full lost wages, pain, suffering, and more.

    As soon as possible after a railroad accident, contact our legal team to discuss your rights. You only have a limited amount of time to bring a claim against an employer, company, or another party in Missouri. Our railroad accident lawyers will meet with you over the phone or in person at our downtown office to talk about your case. We’ll put our years of experience to work for you, helping you choose the correct next step moving forward. You may be eligible for significant compensation for a broken bone, amputation injury, laceration, head injury, or other railroad accident harm. Contact us now.



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