St. Louis Truck Driver Fatigue Lawyer

If you or a loved one was injured in an accident due to a fatigued truck driver, you are eligible for compensation. Speak to a truck collision attorney at Goldblatt + Singer today to learn more about your rights and what your possible next steps could be. We are here to help.

Be Aware Of Common Hazards

Driving while fatigued is a common hazard for all drivers, especially drivers pulling an 80,000-pound tractor-trailer. This hazard has been recognized all the way to the federal level, where Hours of Service (HOS) rules have been written for all commercial vehicle operators. These rules dictate a maximum number of hours a driver can spend behind the wheel and the amount of off-duty time they must spend between driving shifts.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) and the National Center on Sleep Disorders (NCSDR) conducted a study to determine the effect of fatigue on drivers. Fatigue can affect many of the important brain functions required when driving. Reaction time or attentiveness and the processing of information can be slowed, even by a minimal amount, making driving incredibly hazardous.

Driver fatigue is relatively common in the trucking industry, as many drivers spend much of their time driving between midnight and 6 AM, driving for long distances without breaks and spending a substantial amount of time behind the wheel. Many truck drivers don’t recognize their own fatigue, which leads them to pay less notice to slowed reaction times and the ability to process the necessary information while on the road, sometimes causing truck accidents.

Contact Goldblatt + Singer Today

If you or someone you love has experienced injury or damages from an accident caused by a fatigued truck driver, find a lawyer with expert knowledge of the trucking industry and its regulations. Goldblatt + Singer has over 65 years of experience recovering maximum compensation for these horrific accidents. Contact us today for a risk-free consultation.



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