St. Louis Oversized Truck Accident Lawyer

There are good reasons for the limitations state and federal regulators put on commercial vehicle operators, and overloaded trucks are certainly no exception. Unfortunately, trucking companies and drivers don’t always abide by the rules. If you or your loved one was involved and injured in an accident due to an oversized truck, contact the attorneys at Goldblatt + Singer now.

Why Oversized Trucks Are Dangerous

These overloaded trucks can cause serious problems, both for the operator and other drivers. Most of the time, you aren’t able to tell a truck is overloaded by its appearance alone. But the additional weight can increase stopping time causing rear-end collisions. Other times, cargo can shift in the trailer causing the truck to jackknife or roll. In cases of a jackknife, cargo can be expelled from the truck, presenting an additional hazard for all of the surrounding drivers.

Initially, it may be difficult to tell if overloading caused a truck accident, but the attorneys at Goldblatt + Singer have the experience to identify the signs of wrongdoing.

Call Goldblatt + Singer to Handle Your Case

If you were involved in an truck accident in St. Louis, you deserve the maximum compensation for your damages or injuries. Contact the law offices of Goldblatt + Singer for a risk-free consultation today. Since 1949, we have recovered over $400 million for accident victims like you. Call us now.



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