St. Louis Auto Defects Lawyer

Auto defects can turn an otherwise safe vehicle into a deathtrap. If a potential auto defect was responsible for your injuries in a car accident, contact Goldblatt + Singer immediately for a free case evaluation. We can investigate your incident, find out if a part contained a defect, and determine manufacturer liability on your behalf. We have everything you need for a strong personal injury claim in St. Louis.

Common Auto Defects in St. Louis

Defective auto parts contribute to crashes in Missouri every year. It is an auto manufacturer’s duty to make sure its products don’t contain harmful defects or design flaws that can result in car accidents. Unfortunately, not every manufacturer takes this duty seriously. Thousands of lawsuits have resulted in billions of dollars for injured drivers and their passengers in auto defect claims throughout the United States. The most common defects involved in product liability claims include:

To have a claim against an auto manufacturer for a defective part, the part must have caused an accident and/or injury. For example, a defective tire would not give grounds for a lawsuit if the driver noticed the issue and replaced the component before it could cause a blowout accident. The auto defect must be the proximate cause of a plaintiff’s damages. It is up to the plaintiff’s attorney to prove the elements of an auto defect claim in Missouri. Help from an auto defect attorney can make all the difference in the success of your claim.

3 Main Types of Auto Defects

Like most states, Missouri has strict product liability laws in place that may remove the burden of proof from an injured consumer’s shoulders during a personal injury claim. Strict product liability laws will hold a manufacturer legally responsible for the damages a defective product causes regardless of whether the manufacturer was negligent if the item contains one of the following defects:

  • Design flaw. A poorly designed vehicle, such as an SUV that’s prone to rollover accidents, has a design feature that makes it unreasonably dangerous.
  • Manufacturing mistake. An item’s design is sound but a mistake during the manufacturing process makes it unsafe for use.
  • Marketing error. The manufacturer’s failure to include adequate safety warnings or installation instructions makes the auto part hazardous for consumers.

If one of these three defects exist, the injured driver likely will not have to prove that the manufacturer was negligent to qualify for financial compensation. Instead, it will be enough to show that the vehicle contained a defect and that this defect caused injuries. Our legal team can help you investigate a car part to find out if it contains one of these three defects.

To learn more about Missouri car accident laws, speak to a St. Louis car accident lawyer.

Get Help Filing An Auto Defect Claim

Recalling a defective auto part does not automatically protect a manufacturer from liability. If the injured victim did not receive word of the recall, the manufacturer may still have to pay for the victim’s damages. To pursue compensation, file an official claim with the vehicle manufacturer’s insurance company. Then call our auto defect attorneys to find out what your claim could be worth.

Main Office 8182 Maryland Ave UNIT 801, St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 231-4100

If you choose Goldblatt + Singer as your firm, we won’t accept a fast settlement that’s far less than you deserve. Our auto defect lawyers will fight for justice and fair compensation on your behalf in St. Louis, as well as pursue greater compensation through a product liability lawsuit. Call (314) 231-4100 for your free evaluation today.



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