St. Louis Erb’s Palsy Lawyer

Goldblatt + Singer Knows Erb’s Palsy Cases

Erb’s palsy is partial or permanent paralysis of the arm from damage to the nerves that connect the shoulder to the arm. This condition is often caused by medical negligence during childbirth when doctors improperly pull the baby from the birth canal.

In cases where Erb’s palsy is caused from a doctor’s mistake, your family may be entitled to compensation. Rushing childbirth is a form of medical negligence and the doctor responsible for the injury should also be held responsible for the lasting effects that Erb’s palsy will have on your child. 

Let Goldblatt + Singer Handle Your Erb’s Palsy Case

If your child is suffering from Erb’s palsy, you need to find a lawyer with experience and success with these types of cases. The lawyers at Goldblatt + Singer work with the most experienced medical experts to pursue justice for those injured as a result of medical malpractice. Contact us today for a free consultation, and remember – we work on a contingency fee basis, so you will only be charged a fee when we are successful in recovering compensation for you.  With over 25,000 clients in 65 years of business, you can trust the expertise of the lawyers at Goldblatt + Singer.



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