St. Louis Lead Paint Exposure Lawyer

Goldblatt + Singer Knows Lead Paint Hazard Law

While a great deal has been done to mitigate the dangers of lead paint exposure, including a 1979 law that banned lead from paint, lead exposure is a serious public health issue. According to the CDC, there are over 4 million households where children are being exposed to high levels of lead. This exposure often comes in the form of small paint chips that flake and fall into an area where a child comes into contact with them and ingests them. While the symptoms are often subtle and difficult to identify, the long-term effects of lead poisoning can be highly dangerous and even deadly. These effects include:

  • Learning and developmental disabilities
  • Muscle weakness
  • Permanent brain damage
  • Kidney disease

Because the symptoms can take years to become apparent, it is essential to hire a law firm that understands lead paint hazards and has experience representing the interests of lead paint exposure victims. Goldblatt + Singer has protected the rights of injured individuals for over 65 years and has handled over 25,000 cases. We understand the dangers of lead paint and the prolonged and damaging effects it can have on the lives of those affected by it. We will fight for you and your loved ones.

Contact Goldblatt + Singer Today

If you or someone you know has been exposed to lead paint, contact a Goldblatt + Singer personal injury attorney to take action on your behalf. Don’t wait any longer, fill out the form below or call us to discuss your case and protect your rights.

Main Office 8182 Maryland Ave UNIT 801, St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 231-4100


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