St. Louis Defective Baby Cribs Lawyer

Goldblatt + Singer – Experienced Defective Baby Crib Attorneys

Recalls have been issued in the United States for over two million baby cribs manufactured since 2000. These defective cribs can pose a threat to your child’s safety in a number of different ways, including exposure to toxins and even suffocation. The manufacturers of these products know that these cribs will be used by small children and have a responsibility to ensure that they are safe. Defective cribs are unacceptable and if one has injured your child you may be entitled to compensation through a product liability lawsuit.

Main Office 8182 Maryland Ave UNIT 801, St. Louis, MO 63105 (314) 231-4100

Contact a Goldblatt + Singer Defective Product Lawyer

It is crucial to contact an attorney experienced in recalled baby products as soon as possible to talk about your legal rights. Goldblatt + Singer has been practicing personal injury law since 1949 and our St. Louis office has recovered more than $400 million dollars on behalf of our clients. We’ve seen these types of cases before and we will walk you through the complicated legal processes that you will face in the aftermath of your child’s injury.

We want to hear your story. Call us today for a free case evaluation.



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