Missouri Wrongful Death Legal Blog Archive

Who Can Sue for Wrongful Death in Missouri?

June 8, 2024 | Wrongful Death

Who Can Sue for Wrongful Death in Missouri_ Image

The death of a loved one is a devastating event, especially when it occurs due to someone else’s negligence or misconduct. In such tragic situations, Missouri law provides a means for survivors to seek justice through a wrongful death lawsuit. Understanding who can sue for wrongful death is crucial for holding the responsible parties accountable and helping the family of the deceased recover the compensation they deserve.

Differences Between Survival Action and Wrongful Death

August 23, 2021 | Wrongful Death

When someone is killed as the result of negligence, carelessness, or an intentional wrongful act in Missouri, there are two types of lawsuits that can be brought against the liable party. Those include a survival action and a wrongful death lawsuit.

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