Vehicle Safety Category

Missouri Auto Repair Laws

February 8, 2022 | Vehicle Safety

While it is impossible to avoid all problems associated with repairing a vehicle, there are laws in place to help you avoid a dispute or getting ripped off. If a mechanic is deceptive or misleads you in some way, you may have the right to sue them, and they may be subject to penalties.

Common Causes of Car Accidents

July 3, 2014 | Firm News,Vehicle Safety

Common Causes of Auto Accidents

There are often multiple factors that contribute to an auto accident. Drunk drivers, negligent drivers, and reckless or dangerous driving habits are often to blame for serious injury accidents. If you are injured in a car accident, it is imperative that you secure legal representation from an experienced lawyer to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve from the at-fault party.

Truck Accident Investigation

June 27, 2014 | Firm News,Vehicle Safety

Investigating the Scene of a Truck Accident

The scene of a truck accident may appear to be one of destruction and chaos, but it contains the critical evidence of what happened and can help a truck accident attorney build you a solid case.

Truck Driver Hours

June 27, 2014 | Firm News,Vehicle Safety

Why Truck Driver Hours of Operation Matter

Truck drivers are required to follow certain regulations regarding the hours of operation of their trucks. Due to the high demand for goods to be transported throughout the United States, these truck drivers are often working long, consecutive hours, and can easily suffer from driver fatigue.

Truck Driver Logs

June 27, 2014 | Firm News,Vehicle Safety

Why Truck Driver Logs are Important

Federal regulations demand that all truck drivers maintain a log recording their activities, a record of cargo and a record of proper truck maintenance. Logs are inspected to ensure that drivers are taking proper rest periods to avoid tired driving and to make sure that the truck is being kept in safe working order.

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