Missouri Car Accidents Legal Blog Archive

Can I Seek Compensation for a Car Accident if I Wasn’t Wearing a Seatbelt?

December 15, 2021 | Car Accidents

The seatbelt is one of the most critical pieces of safety gear when it comes to driving. Seatbelts saved close to 15,000 lives in 2017, and more than 2,500 lives could have been saved if they had buckled up. That is why most states, including Missouri, have seatbelt laws in place to promote safety.

“Pain and Suffering” & Related Damages


Many people wrongfully assume that only physical damages are recoverable after a car accident, but this is not so. Victims of car accidents are often able to recover financial compensation for a type of damage known as “pain and suffering.”

Black Box Data Used in Car Accident Cases

March 15, 2022 | Car Accidents

In some St. Louis car accident cases, a driver knows they were not at fault but can’t prove it due to a lack of witnesses or video evidence. Often both drivers claim that the other was at fault, so without much evidence, it can be difficult to prove your case.

What Legal Responsibility Do I Have If I’ve Witnessed an Accident in MO?

May 17, 2021 | Car Accidents

Witnessing a car accident can be shocking, and you may not know what or if you are required to do anything next. The following steps you take will largely depend on the severity of the collision. Missouri law does not mandate that you do anything.

What are Missouri’s Seatbelt Laws?

January 8, 2021 | Car Accidents

Approximately 68 percent of traffic fatalities involved drivers and passengers who were not wearing seatbelts, according to a staggering statistic given by the Missouri Highway Patrol towards the end of 2020. Even though most Missourians on average buckle up regularly, for those who choose not to, the injuries can be catastrophic if not fatal.

I’ve Been Having Back or Shoulder Pain After a Car Accident. What Can I Do?

January 10, 2022 | Car Accidents

If you are experiencing back or shoulder pain after a car accident, it is important to get checked out by a physician right away before it gets worse. Although these are common symptoms, you could be suffering from a severe injury that requires treatment.

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