What’s Causing Neck And Lower Back Pain After a Car Accident?

April 7, 2021Car Accidents

The force of any car accident, even at low speeds, can put pressure on your neck and back that they are not designed to handle.  As a result, neck and back pain are some of the most common complaints from victims after a collision. Here we list some of the injuries often associated with that pain. 


Whiplash is the most common neck injury a person can suffer in a car accident, especially in rear-end collisions or side collisions. When whiplash is severe, getting an immediate diagnosis and treatment can be difficult because the symptoms may not appear for a day or more after an accident. By the time serious complications have manifested themselves, your injuries could potentially become long-term. Studies have found that years after whiplash victims have settled their insurance claims, at least half of them still suffer from their injury. 

Chronic Neck Pain

Left untreated, whiplash and other neck injuries can result in a range of disorders, including chronic pain. If you are still in pain several months after the accident, the root cause may be damage to:

  • The Facet Joints: there are two facet joints on either side of the back of each vertebra in the neck that help stabilize the spine. The facet joint can be abruptly injured by dislocation of the joint or from tearing or inflammation to the cartilage in it.
  • Disc Injury: any damage to a disc can result in intense chronic pain. 

Herniated Discs

A herniated disc occurs when a disc ruptures or moves out of place because of trauma to the back. The discs are located between the vertebrae and provide a cushion for the bones. They absorb shock as a person bends, twists, and turns. The lumbar discs in the lower back are the most common area for herniated discs. Depending on their severity, herniated discs can cause chronic pain, weakness, and numbness. Severe cases can require surgery. 

Spinal Stenosis

Vertebrae dislocations and fractures can result in spinal stenosis. This condition causes a narrowing of the spinal column, resulting in severe pain because of the pressure placed on the spinal nerves. 

Spinal Cord Injuries

The spinal cord runs through the center of the spinal column, so any damage to the spinal column can result in a spinal cord injury. Injury to the spinal cord can result in loss of function and sensory input in one or more areas of the body, and in severe cases, partial or complete paralysis. 

How Do I Know if I Have a Neck or Lower Back Injury?

The above-listed injuries are just a few of the common causes of neck and lower back pain. The pain may be immediate or develop over several days. See a doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms that can indicate you have a neck or lower back injury:

  • Chronic pain 
  • Pain that radiates into your arms and legs
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Paralysis in any area of your body
  • Weakness or numbness 
  • Swelling in your neck or back
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Feelings of pressure in your back, neck, or head
  • Difficulty standing, walking, or sitting
  • Headaches
  • Loss of senses
  • Problems with coordination and balance

An early diagnosis will give you the best chance of recovering. 

We Can Help

If your neck or lower back hurts after a car accident, seek medical attention, then speak to a St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer. Our team has decades of experience and will help you recover the compensation you need. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. 

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