Missouri Law FAQ

Can a Pre-Existing Injury Affect My Personal Injury Claim?

July 29, 2021 | Personal Injury

A pre-existing injury can potentially affect your personal injury claim, but it depends on the specifics of your situation. In any personal injury case, the at-fault party is responsible for making the injured party whole or as close as possible to the way they were before the accident.

What Is a Demand Letter?

July 27, 2021 | Personal Injury

Negotiations to settle a personal injury claim typically begin with a demand letter. It is the initial contact a claimant makes with an alleged at-fault party in an attempt to resolve the case before filing a lawsuit.

What is Included in a Demand Letter?

What is Gross Negligence?

July 22, 2021 | Medical Malpractice

Gross negligence is a legal concept that describes an extreme lack of care or recklessness shown by one party that results in harm. In other words, the grossly negligent party demonstrated a clear disregard for the health and safety of others.

Is Personal Injury Protection Required in Missouri?

July 20, 2021 | Personal Injury

Personal injury protection (PIP) is not required in Missouri, but opting for this kind of insurance is highly advisable. Instead of PIP, Missouri insurance companies refer to this type of coverage as medical payments insurance, or “MedPay.” MedPay coverage can pay for medical treatment after an accident and helps minimize out-of-pocket payments.

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