Missouri Insurance Legal Blog Archive

“Pain and Suffering” & Related Damages


Many people wrongfully assume that only physical damages are recoverable after a car accident, but this is not so. Victims of car accidents are often able to recover financial compensation for a type of damage known as “pain and suffering.”

Missouri Auto Insurance Claims Laws

December 6, 2021 | Insurance

When an accident occurs in Missouri, the person responsible for causing it is required to pay for any resulting damages. That is because Missouri is a “fault” car accident state.

Options for Filing a Car Accident Claim

A person involved in a car accident in Missouri has the right to recover compensation in one of the three following ways:

  • Filing a claim with their own auto insurer.

Can I Recover Lost Wages from Car Insurance?

Many states require all drivers to carry minimum auto insurance policy limits that include compensation for lost wages in the event that a collision-related injury puts you out of work for a substantial period of time. Being involved in an auto accident means that you may be suffering not only physically and psychologically, but financially as well.

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