Woman Dies in Franklin County Head-On Crash

A woman was killed in a tragic head-on car accident yesterday morning in Franklin County, according to Missouri Highway Patrol. The woman driving the car who was killed was 70 years old. At About 9:20 in the morning, she was driving on Dry Branch Road when she crossed over the dividing line on the road and ran directly into an oncoming vehicle. Fortunately, the 17-year-old who was driving the other vehicle was not injured by the impact. Both parties were wearing seatbelts at the time.

The cause of this accident could have been the advanced age of the driver. Things like poor vision and overall poor health could have contributed to the woman veering over the centerline. Head-on collisions are one of the most dangerous types of auto accidents. They have an extremely high fatality rate and are usually the result of falling asleep at the wheel, drunk driving, or extreme negligence.

In this case, the driver who was hit will not need to recover medical compensation because she was not injured by the crash. Just as a precaution though, she should consider visiting her doctor for an examination. Some injuries, like whiplash, are not discovered until a day or two after the initial impact. The at-fault driver’s auto insurance will likely cover property damage (vehicle damage) and any medical expenses necessary.

75 percent of all head-on car accidents occur on two-lane roads with no division such as a concrete median. This was exactly the case in this accident. Many multiple-lane roads now come equipped with rumble strips or some other type of barrier to warn drivers who may be drifting into oncoming traffic. If you would like to learn more about head-on collisions and what you can do if you were involved in one, speak with a St. Louis car accident attorney at Goldblatt + Singer today.

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