What to Do After a Semi Truck Accident in St. Louis

October 8, 2024Truck Accidents

What to Do After a Semi Truck Accident in St. Louis Image

A semi-truck accident in St. Louis, Missouri, can have a lasting impact on your life. You may find yourself dealing with serious truck accident injuries, time away from work, and towering medical costs. You must be aware of your rights and the legal options available to protect them. After an accident, filing a truck accident claim is a critical step you can take to improve your chances of obtaining the compensation you need for medical expenses, vehicle repairs, and other losses and expenses resulting from the crash. Here’s an overview of steps to take that will strengthen your claim.

Key Steps to Take After a Truck Accident

Taking specific steps after an accident is crucial to maximizing your chances of a successful outcome in your truck accident claim.

Ensure Safety and Seek Medical Attention

Immediately after a truck accident, you must prioritize your health and well-being. Move to a safe location if you are able to. Call emergency services and request that law enforcement and medical personnel come to the scene. Even if you do not believe you have any truck accident injuries, you should undergo a thorough medical examination. This will help to determine if you have serious injuries that you cannot see, such as internal organ injuries.

Seeking prompt medical care right after the accident can help identify your injuries, document your symptoms, and create the documentation you need for your truck accident claim.

Document the Accident Scene

If you’re physically able, try to gather as much evidence as possible at the accident scene. Take pictures and videos of:

  • All of the vehicles involved in the crash
  • The road conditions at the time of the accident
  • Street signs and lights around the crash site
  • Any visible truck accident injuries

You should also collect contact information from witnesses and the truck driver.

All of this evidence will be crucial for your semi truck accident claim. It will help provide insight into factors like weather or road conditions that may have contributed to the accident. Additionally, it will provide documentary evidence of the effects of the crash before the vehicles are moved and the scene is cleaned up.

Speak with Law Enforcement

When the police arrive at the crash site, you want to report the details of the accident from your point of view. The responding officer will draft a report of the truck accident that includes all of the involved parties and various factors surrounding the accident. This report provides an official incident record and can help establish fault. The report will be helpful when it comes to notifying your insurance company and in any ensuing legal matters. Be sure to get a copy of the police report for your records.

Contact an Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer

After a semi-truck accident, contact an experienced truck accident lawyer in St. Louis. A lawyer can help with your semi truck accident claim and communicate with the insurance company on your behalf. They will explain your legal rights and gather evidence and information to build a strong claim. They will also handle settlement negotiations and represent you in court if necessary.

Pursuing a semi-truck accident claim involves specific steps and strict deadlines. Your lawyer will guide you through this process and help ensure all necessary paperwork is completed accurately and on time.

Notify Your Insurance Company

Report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible. Provide them with the accident details, but do not agree to provide a recorded statement without first consulting your lawyer. Insurance companies often do everything possible to find reasons to deny claims and pay out the smallest possible amount of money. Having an attorney represent you can protect your interests.

Keep Track of Medical Records and Expenses

Thoroughly document all medical treatments and expenses associated with the accident. This includes:

  • Bills from hospitals or doctors for treatment
  • Bills for medication and medical equipment
  • Any costs for nursing assistance, at-home care, or nursing home facilities
  • Any costs for therapy or rehabilitation
  • Any other out-of-pocket expenses

These records will support your truck accident settlement claim and help establish the financial impact of the accident on your life. It can also help provide a clearer view of the extent of medical care you require for your injuries, which can be useful in demonstrating the scope of your pain and suffering.

Follow Your Doctor’s Orders

Always follow your doctor’s advice and treatment plans. Ignoring medical recommendations cannot only jeopardize your recovery but also negatively impact your truck accident case. Consistent treatment records strengthen your claim by demonstrating the severity of your injuries while also providing you with the best chance of healing physically and emotionally from your injuries.

Avoid Social Media

Although you may want to post online about your accident and your recovery, it is best that you hold off from discussing anything related to the accident or your injuries on social media. Insurance companies and trucking company lawyers may monitor your online activity to find evidence they can use against you, even if that means taking what you post out of context. Keeping details private helps ensure your case remains strong.

Evaluate Settlement Offers Carefully

If you receive a truck accident settlement offer from the insurance company, evaluate it carefully. Initial offers are often much lower than you may be entitled to. Bring the offer to your lawyer to assess whether it fairly compensates you for your injuries and losses. They’ll likely want to negotiate on your behalf to secure a better offer.

What Is the Average Truck Accident Settlement?

What to Do After a Semi Truck Accident in St. Louis Image 2

Those dealing with injuries after a truck accident may be eligible to recover significant compensation. However, the amount you receive for your truck accident settlement will depend on your injuries and overall medical expenses, as well as your impact on your life. Facing significant lost wages or being unable to return to work after your accident will also greatly influence the amount of money you might recover. Your attorney can give you a clearer sense of how much money you might be able to recover after they review the details of your case.

Contact a St. Louis Truck Accident Lawyer Today

Facing the aftermath of a semi-truck accident in St. Louis can be overwhelming. By taking the proper steps and seeking legal help, you can protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. For guidance and support, contact our law firm by calling (314) 231-4100 or through our online form to get a free consultation with our legal team. We have extensive experience handling truck accident cases and are here to help you through this challenging time.

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