Mother of Man Killed in St. Louis Motorcycle Crash Seeks Legal Action

May 3, 2012Firm News Archives

The mother of a St. Louis man who was killed in a motorcycle crash last year is now asking the Missouri State Highway Patrol to reopen the investigation. The man was killed last year when a motor home struck his motorcycle, and his mother is upset that St. Louis County prosecutors decided to not charge the driver of the RV. She said in a statement that the legal system failed her son.

The accident happened while the 22-year-old motorcyclist was stopped at a traffic signal waiting for the light to change. The RV clipped two cars before knocking him to the pavement and he was killed. The prosecutors did not press charges because they said the driver made a simple, deadly mistake. Motorcycle accidents such as this one are a tragedy and are typically the most fatal accidents that can occur on the road. Motorcycles offer no protection to riders and they are left defenseless when an accident occurs.

The majority of motorcycle accidents result from another driver’s carelessness, negligence, or recklessness on the road. When a wrongful motorcycle accident fatality occurs, the family members of the victim have the right to take legal action to seek justice and compensation. A caring St. Louis personal injury lawyer from Goldblatt + Singer can help injury victims and their families seek the maximum amount of compensation for their injuries and losses.

Our distinguished law firm has a lengthy record of success in personal injury and motorcycle accident lawsuits, and we are fully prepared to provide you with the quality legal representation you deserve. When you contact a St. Louis motorcycle accident lawyer from our firm, you can rest assured knowing that we will fight hard on your behalf.

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