Goldblatt + Singer Representing Fatal Car Accident Victim

On October 11, 2014, Megan Mangene was driving home from work when a vehicle driven by Julie Behnen, traveling the wrong way on Highway 44, struck Megan’s vehicle head-on. According to the police, Ms. Behnen had been drinking at Helen Fitzgerald’s Irish Bar and Grill before the accident and had a blood alcohol content nearly three times the legal limit.

Goldblatt + Singer represents the family of the late Megan Mangene. Attorney Bill Holland filed suit against not only the drunk driver but also the bar where she was drinking that night.

Bars and restaurants in Missouri can be held liable under the Dram Shop Act to those injured or killed by drunk drivers if the bar or restaurant knowingly served the drunk driver when they were visibly intoxicated.

When choosing a car accident lawyer, it is important to choose one with experience handling complex cases defended by the best insurance defense lawyers in town. The personal injury lawyers at Goldblatt + Singer have successfully handled dozens of important, high profile cases. If you or someone you love has been the victim of a serious injury, contact a Goldblatt + Singer St. Louis car accident attorney to discuss your case for free.

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