Compensation for Medical Expenses

The time surrounding a car accident can be chaotic and confusing. To clear up some of that ambiguity, the St. Louis truck accident attorney at Goldblatt + Singer decided to publish a three-part blog series specifically on the topic of car accident compensation. The biggest questions people face after a collision are usually financial in nature, which is why with this series, we aim to answer questions such as:

  • How much money am I entitled to after a car accident?;
  • How soon can I get compensated?;
  • Does car accident compensation cover all of my medical expenses?;
  • and many others.

In this first blog in our series, we’re focusing on medical bill compensation. If you’re involved in an accident, who pays for your medical expenses and how much are you covered for?

Under Missouri insurance law, all drivers must carry at least the minimum liability limits. This means that every driver’s policy must cover at least up to $25,000 per person and a maximum of $50,000 per accident. It is also important to remember that simply because this much is available, doesn’t mean that the insurance company will actually offer you the full amount. In fact, insurance companies typically offer a very low settlement the first time around.

The compensation will be paid by the at-fault party’s insurance. If the at-fault party’s insurance is not enough to cover the total accident-related medical expenses, then the victim is allowed to sue for the remaining damages. This is because victims should not be left paying out of pocket for damages they did not cause.


Car accident victims are entitled not only to compensation for present medical expenses, but they may also be entitled to future medical expenses that are accident-related. For example, you may have sustained a spinal injury in an accident. The cost of surgery to repair the injury would be a “present” medical expense, while follow-up appointments, the cost of prescription painkillers, and any necessary rehabilitation would fall under the “future” medical expenses category.

If you were recently involved in an auto accident in the greater St. Louis area or elsewhere in Missouri, you may benefit from retaining a St. Louis car accident attorney. At Goldblatt + Singer, we can evaluate your case and determine how much compensation you are entitled to after a car accident, and we will help you get it as soon as possible. The last thing you need to be worrying about after an accident is money. Let our firm help you get what you deserve.

On our next blog in this series, we will be discussing car accidents and recovering compensation for pain and suffering.

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