If you suffered injuries in a car accident caused by negligent or reckless actions of another, you may be entitled to personal injury compensation. A St. Louis car accident attorney can review your case and discuss the procedures for filing an injury compensation claim. The types of recoverable monetary damages can include:
In Missouri, drivers are required to carry a minimum coverage amount for auto accidents. If you are injured in an auto accident, then you can theoretically recover as much as is provided by insurance. The minimum requirements are $25k for bodily injury per person, $50k for bodily injury per accident and $10k for property damage per accident.
If you are injured in a car accident, then the at-fault driver’s insurance would provide compensation for various bodily injury expenses such as medical bills and rehabilitation treatments and it would also provide compensation for property damage such as the cost to repair or replace your vehicle.
For some particularly gross motor vehicle offenses, at-fault drivers may be required to pay punitive damages. This is a form of disciplinary compensation paid by the at-fault driver to the victim. Punitive damages could be awarded in a drunk driving accident or wrongful death car accident case, for example.
Goldblatt + Singer is a recognized personal injury firm able to explain the claims process and help compile the documentation needed for your case, including medical evidence demonstrating the extent of your injuries and their impact on your life. We can also help you understand the laws pertaining to personal injury claims and the types of compensation you can expect to receive. Our firm provides professional and skilled legal services to accident victims, and tenacious representation when pursuing injury-related damages.
A car accident can result in severe injuries that can cause permanent disabilities and disfigurement, including burns, spinal cord damage, head injuries and brain damage. The recovery process for catastrophic injuries can be painful and slow, and cost a considerable amount of money.
Our lawyers recognize the hardships and difficulties that can occur because of an accident and will do everything possible to help you acquire the financial assistance you need. We are highly rated attorneys recognized by our peers for professional excellence and can be counted on to aggressively pursue a favorable settlement in your case.