Case Results

Brain Injury
Confidential vs. Confidential
A college student suffered a severe traumatic brain injury in a car wreck. The insurance company offered $50,000 and said it was the maximum limit available. We did not take their word for it and instead kept digging to find the policy limits were actually higher. An insurer who is not truthful can be sued for bad faith. We knew that and we used it to get our client a fair settlement 300 times greater than the first offer.
Product Liability
$10,400,000.00 awarded to the victims of an explosion caused by a dangerous product. Our clients were siblings who suffered massive burn injuries in their home due to the negligence of the manufacturer. Our fire and explosion expert traced the source of the fire to their product. Since our clients lived well past their life expectancy, the total payout from the annuity purchased by the defendant was well over $15,000,000.00.
18 Wheeler Accident
While driving his 18-wheeler at night, Mr. Smith rear-ended another 18-wheeler which had just come from the shoulder of the highway. Our experts, including an accident reconstructionist and conspicuity expert, testified that the lights and reflective tape on the defendant’s truck were not sufficient to allow oncoming vehicles to visualize the truck. As a result, Mr. Smith did not have enough time to react to the truck entering the highway from the shoulder. The attorneys at Goldblatt + Singer negotiated a $7,580,000.00 settlement.
Defective Product / Burn Injury
Nearly seven million dollars were awarded to a victim burned as a result of a defective product. Our St. Louis personal injury lawyers sued multiple parties, including all of the companies that sold the product, which was manufactured in Asia. To date, this is still one of the largest settlements of a personal injury case in Jefferson County.
Trucking / Wrongful Death
A 32-year-old tow truck operator was killed on the side of the highway when the load of an over-sized tractor-trailer struck him. Our lawyers dug deeper and found that the driver had meth in his system and marijuana was found in the cab of his truck. The truck company also falsified records in the defendant driver’s file. We settled for $4,875,000.00, one of the largest settlements ever in St. Louis County.
Auto Accident
A mother and son sustained serious injuries as a result of an auto accident with a hotel van. The van crossed the center line and hit their vehicle head-on. The mother suffered a crushed femur and hip, which required multiple surgeries. Goldblatt + Singer assembled a team of experts that concluded she would need life-long care. The insurance company agreed to pay $3,750,000.00 after hearing their testimony.
Auto Accident
Confidential vs. Confidential
A 38-year-old woman suffered a herniated disk in a motor-vehicle crash. Missouri Lawyers Media reported this settlement as one of the largest of 2018 for this type of case.
18-Wheeler v. Auto Accident
Three children were passengers traveling in a van to Arkansas to attend a family reunion. An 18-wheeler crossed the centerline of a windy road in Arkansas and struck the vehicle head-on pushing it down a hill into a ravine. One of the children suffered a mild brain injury that affected his ability to speak. Goldblatt + Singer resolved the case for $3,250,000.00.
Burn Injury
Our client suffered burns following an explosion at a factory caused by a spark from a forklift. We sued the insurance company that had performed a safety inspection on the factory and failed to identify that sparking forklifts operated in areas with flammable vapors. The company representative testified that the company relied on the safety inspections to keep employees safe. Goldblatt + Singer settled the case for $2,500,000.00 after winning a motion for summary judgment.
Auto Accident
The attorneys at Goldblatt + Singer obtained a $2,100,000.00 jury verdict for a man who fractured his spine and severely injured his knee in an auto accident. A truck driven by the defendant broadsided our client’s vehicle. We successfully argued that the defendant was driving too fast and that the intersection was unreasonably dangerous. The verdict was remarkable considering the pretrial offer was $175,000.00.
Premises Liability
Confidential vs. Confidential
Two men were hurt when the elevator they were working on in an abandoned building in downtown St. Louis suddenly shot up. We sued the company that owned the building and obtained a multimillion-dollar judgment. The company’s insurer said its policy did not cover the incident. We filed another lawsuit against the insurance company and obtained the $2 million global settlement.
18-Wheeler v. Auto Accident
A woman lost her ability to taste and smell following an accident where her vehicle was rear-ended by an 18-wheeler. Although the toxicology reports on the truck driver were misplaced for over a year, the attorneys at Goldblatt + Singer kept digging and finally unearthed the reports which indicated the truck driver had meth in his system. The defendants agreed to pay the policy limits of $2,000,000.00, which is still one of the largest settlements in Franklin County.
Distracted Driver Accident
A 45-year-old man was rear-ended by a man talking on his cell phone while driving a commercial vehicle. Our client suffered a serious shoulder injury, but incurred only $45,000.00 in past medical bills. The court issued an order that talking on the cell phone while driving 40 mph could lead a jury to award punitive damages. Following that ruling, the defendants agreed to pay our client $2,000,000.00 to settle his St. Louis County case.
Premises Liability
A man was awarded by a jury $1.54 million after a 30-foot tree branch cracked his skull while he was waiting at a city bus stop in southwest St. Louis. The city argued that it was not liable for his injuries, but it failed to properly evaluate the tree and take action after listing the tree as having at least "one defect."
Pedestrian v. Car Accident
A group of boys was playing football in the street when a slow-moving truck struck our 9-year-old client, whose foot was partially amputated as a result. While the defendant blamed the boy’s parents for not supervising the boy properly, our experts testified that the truck driver had plenty of opportunity to avoid striking the boy. The case settled for $1,535,000.00 in the Phoenix airport where our attorneys had just landed to depose the defendant’s corporate representatives.
Work Injury - Unsafe Conditions
A 45-year-old woman filling in for a co-worker had her arm mangled by a machine with inadequate guarding. The defendants alleged that our client knew the risk of putting her hand in close proximity to moving machinery parts. Goldblatt + Singer proved that the defendant had removed the guard. At mediation, we secured a $1,500,000.00 settlement.
Product Liability / Wrongful Death
Goldblatt + Singer secured one of the largest known settlements for the wrongful death of a child in a products liability case involving a tire tread separation. We conducted over 20 depositions and collected over 10,000 documents to prove the manufacturer of the tire designed and manufactured the tire negligently. The defendants had argued at the time of the accident the tire was well past its useful life and had dry rot. After our expert’s deposition, the defendants agreed to a significant settlement.
Auto Accident
The defendant caused an accident by failing to yield to an SUV. Following the accident, the SUV fled the scene and the defendant gave chase. The SUV being chased then struck a vehicle, causing one death and seriously injuring another passenger. The SUV driver was uninsured, but the defendant had a corporate policy. The defendant argued that their vehicle was not directly involved in the collision that caused injury and death and was merely following the SUV that left the scene of the first accident. Goldblatt + Singer fought liability and insurance coverage issues raised by the defendant and secured a $1,150,000.00 settlement for our clients.
Burn Injury
A pregnant woman suffered second- and third-degree burns and a premature Cesarean section as a result of a fireworks factory explosion. Goldblatt + Singer hired top experts in the field to identify the cause of the explosion. We obtained a significant settlement for Lori and her family. The case received television coverage from all the local stations and led the nightly news on NBC.
Wrongful Death
A carbon monoxide leak in a Missouri airplane hangar led to the death of a 29-year-old worker, survived by his wife and three minor children. The incident prompted legal action that eventually led to a $7,500,000 global settlement. The initial settlement amounted to $3,750,000, including a $2,000,000 policy limit from the hangar owner’s personal coverage. Additional defendants like the HVAC company also contributed. Before approval of these initial settlements, Plaintiffs pursued extra coverage via an Airport Owners & Operators Liability Policy, but the municipality denied liability. Arbitration awarded $12,000,000 against the hangar owner. A subsequent lawsuit targeted the insurer and the municipality, both of whom disputed their roles and responsibilities. Mediation led to an additional settlement of $3,750,000 from the insurer and the municipality, culminating in the $7.5 million global settlement approved by a circuit court.